Maggie Doyne grew up in Mendham, New Jersey. In 2005, following her graduation from high school, she undertook a 'gap year' of travel with the organization During that trip, she visited Nepal where in 2006 she used $5,000 in money she had saved from babysitting to open up an orphanage in Surkhet.[1][2] She subsequently built, opened up and manages the Kopila Valley Primary School, also in Surkhet.
When Doyne first visited Nepal in 2006, the Nepalese Civil War had just ended. During the war over 12,000 people were killed and over 100,000 were displaced. The country was left impoverished and struggling for recovery.[3] Amnesty International noted that the war was devastating for Nepalese children. According to their report, Children Caught in Conflict, children were the victims of violence, murder, imprisonment and rape. Many children were also recruited to be soldiers by both sides of the conflict.[4]
As of 2011, there were 35 children living in Doyne's Kopila Valley orphanage and over 230 children attending Kopila Valley Primary School.[5] Doyne also created the Blinknow Foundation to encourage and enable other young people to volunteer in developing countries.
She has received numerous awards and commendations for her work including: 2009 Grand Prize Winner of the Do Something Awards[6] and CosmoGirl of the Year 2008.[7]
Doyne's parents are Steve and Nancy Doyne. After she was born, her father quit his job as the manager of a natural food store to be a stay-at-home dad, while Nancy Doyne worked in real estate. Maggie has two sisters: older sister Kate and younger sister Libby.[8]